Summary of football games‏: Laranja Mecânica Arapongas x Londrina 13/11/14


On 13-11-2014 Laranja was blessed to play the finals in the beautiful stadium of Londrina “Estádio do Café”. The younger players of Laranja were also present as supporters of our team. Again it was a physicly strong opponent who were 2/3 years older. Both teams started the match very good, but unfortunately Londrina became stronger and knew how to make 2 goals in the first half. After the break Laranja was strong again and also knew how to score. Norton kicked the ball beautiful from the sideline and Matheus scored this ball with his head. Unfortunately Londrina also made one more goal in the second half, this is how the match ended in 3-1 for Londrina. Laranja was satisfied and became second.